The Glass Menagerie
by Tennessee Williams
Live performances:
Friday, April 18, 25 & May 2 @ 7pm
Saturday, April 19, 26, & May 3 @ 7pm
Saturday, April 26 & May 3 @ 2pm
Sunday, April 20, 27, & May 4 @ 2pm
The fragile world of the Wingfield family unfolds with poetic intensity in Tennessee William’s classic memory play. Set in a faded St. Louis apartment, Amanda Wingfield yearns for a gentleman caller to rescue her shy daughter Laura. Amidst Laura's delicate glass figurines and Tom's yearning for escape, the family grapples with lost dreams and harsh realities. Williams' lyrical prose and haunting imagery paint a poignant portrait of love and loss, weaving together the delicate threads of memory, illusion, and the unbreakable bonds of family.
All Seats $35.
Production Staff
Director Walter Niejadlik
Stage Manager Jim Braun
Set Design Ron Lindblom
Lighting Design Ginny Adams
Costumer Julie Horton
Amanda Wingfield Gillen Brey
Tom Wingfield Michael Blair
Laura Wingfield Waverly Jade
Jim O’Connor Jacob Moore